Friday, April 29, 2011

Every Village Panchayat will have a Common Service Center to provide a host of services through internet : Kapil Sibal

Information Communication Technology can play big role in effective governance and impressive delivery of public services. A number of initiatives in this regard have been taken by the Government. National e- Governance Plan (NeGP) and UID Project (Adhar) have the potential to change the way we feel and interact with the government. This was stated by Shri Kapil Sibal, the Minister of Communications & Information Technology, here today while inaugurating the two day Electronics & Information Technology Exposition (ELITEX-2011).The Minister said that 90,000 Common Service Centers (CSCs) in 31 states have already been established under NeGP and another 150,000 Common Service Centers are planned to be set up in next 3 years. With this every Village Panchayat will have a Common Service Center to provide a host of services through internet, on other hand, Adhar will help Government in identifying the correct beneficiary of government’s developmental and social security schemes, he added.

The theme of the discussion sessions at ELITEX-2011 is “e-Governance: Public Services Closer Home”.This exposition includes sessions on Empowerment through M-Governance, Cyber Security – Evolving Threats and Counter Measures, Challenges of Multilingual Web Services, Convergence Communications & Broadband Technologies, Shared Platforms for e-Governance, Government Service Delivery using ICT, Indigenous Initiatives – A Glimpse, Nano-electronics Infrastructure, Capacity Building & Technology Development, ICT for Common Man and Technologies in e-Governance.

Exposition will among other things deliberate on leveraging of emerging technologies – M-Governance and Shared Platforms for enabling public services. Mobile platform can be used for delivery of a wide variety of electronic services such as filing/receipt of applications for government services, identification and authentication of applicants, payment of fees for government services, tracking of status of applications, etc. Rapidly expanding user base of mobile phones in India can also be exploited for fostering financial inclusion using mobile banking technologies, especially in rural areas. The session would focus on these and other relevant areas.

Shri Sachin Pilot, Minister of State for Communications & Information Technology, Shri R Chandrashekhar, Secretary, Department of Information Technology, Shri Shankar Aggarwal, Additional Secretary, Department of Information Technology, Dr. B K Gairola, DG , National Informatics Center and other senior officers from DIT were also present.

Published on April 5, 2011

Draft e-Services Bill Open for Citizen Feedback.

26 April 2011

The Union ministry of information technology recently released a draft of the Electronic Service Delivery Bill, 2011 on its website, inviting public opinion on it by May 4.

The draft bill says delivery of all public services, like issuing of forms and applications, licences, permits, certificates, sanctions or approval and receipt or payment of money, must be made available online. It requires the public authorities to disclose the services which will be delivered online within six months of the bill being passed by Parliament.

The proposed law envisages setting up of an electronic service delivery commissions both at the Centre and in all states to monitor the effective implementation of the system.

The commissions can take up complaints from the public against the authorities who give any false or misleading information and fail to comply with the provisions of the bill. The commissions can impose a penalty of up to Rs 5,000 on the department head or any subordinate concerned for non-compliance of the law.

The bill also wants the state and the central commissions to submit reports to the legislature every year on the working of the system. The report should, among other things, include the total number of online service requests made available and complaints received under the grievance redressal mechanisms.

As per the draft bill, all public services should be delivered through electronic mode within five years from the date of the new law coming into force. The information technology department has announced that people can mail their views to with Draft ESD Bill mentioned in the subject line.

Bihar to Launch a Slew of Online Services Soon

Bihar's Rural Development Department has decided to provide online service to the people seeking income, caste, death and birth and others certificates."We are contemplating to provide on line service to the people, who have to run to the block office for such certificates,

" Rural Development Minister Nitish Mishra said. Mishra after review of the development schemes undertaken by the department said that the people would not have to go to the block office every time for certificates.

The scheme christened as 'kahin bhi kabhi bhi sevayen' would be launched soon. "The department is moving methodically before launching the scheme aimed at mitigating the problems of the common masses," the Minister said. The Minister said that he recently met IT Minister Shahid Ali Khan to discuss the IT support required to his Department for the purpose.The meeting assumes significance as the functioning of the 2 MBPS lines, through which the block offices are connected, are not up to the mark. 19 April 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

हर तीसरा फोन कनेक्शन गांव में है: सचिन पायलट

हर पंचायत को ब्रॉडबेंड से छोड़ने का लक्ष्य था। अभी क्या स्थिति है?
देश में ढाई लाख पंचायतें हैं, जिनमें से एक लाख को ब्रॉडबेंड से जोड़ा जा चुका है। हमारी कोशिश है कि गांव में रहने वाले व्यक्ति को खाता खतौनी, जन्म और मृत्य प्रमाण पत्र, जाति प्रमाण पत्र जैसी सरकारी सेवाएं चौपाल पर ही मिल सकें। इसलिए पंचायत में कॉमन सर्विस सेंटर भी खोले जा रहे हैं। 2012 के अंत तक हम सभी पंचायतों को ब्रॉडबेंड से जोड़ने में कामयाब हो सकते हैं। सचिन पायलट